What is ONGAESHI Project?
The ONGAESHI (meaning to return a favor in Japanese) project aims to relay the wish for peace sent to Hiroshima and Nagasaki from around the world in the form of one thousand paper cranes, by transforming them into various recycled products. Every year, some 10 million precious paper cranes, weighing 10 tons, are sent from around the world to the Children’s Peace Monument in Hiroshima as well as to the City of Nagasaki and Okinawa. We started recycling them and making them into new products that could continue spreading a message of peace to the world. We have since participated in various peace education events in different countries and worked with likeminded brands and organizations. We hope to convey our appreciation to the original well wishers who made and sent the cranes to Hiroshima and send our renewed wish for peace around the world.
Created Paper crane recycled T-shirts for the crowdfunding campaign for the Japan-US Peace Ceremony planned to be held at USS Missouri in Pearl Harbour in the first half of 2019.
Donated paper-crane recycled paper on the occasion of Manga workshops by Japan Cartoonists Association in Kiev and other cities of Ukraine
Donated FANO and paper crane recycled bandanas at the Japan-US Peace Ceremony held at the historic Wendover Air Field where the atomic bomber Enola Gay was trained
Donated origami paper made from paper cranes to Association Hasekura, a Japan-Spain friendship association made up of direct descendants of the members who remained in Spain at the historic Keicho Embassy in 1613.
Donated FANO, a hand-held fan made with paper crane recycled paper, to Hiroshima Peace Memorial Ceremony
Donated paper crane recycled pulp to the Okiagarikoboshi (traditional self-righting doll symbolizing strong recovery) project led by designer Kenzo Takada to support the restoration of Fukushima after the Great Tohoku Earthquake.